Zag The Zonkey Team Building &/Or Fundraising

The Zag the Zonkey Team Building and/or Fundraising program is only available to select high school and college teams traveling with Zag and is a pilot program! Contact us today to apply to take advantage of this exclusive opportunity.

  • The Girl Scouts may have their cookies but Zag works with your team to create and sell a unique custom Zag the Zonkey children’s book!

  • Work as a team to write & create a unique book using our Zag the Zonkey & Friends characters while creating one unique character reflecting your team.

  • 3 easy meetings which includes exercises in defining values, small group competitive brainstorming of plot ideas, consolidation and collaboration lessons, marketing & entrepreneurial concepts and more!

  • Instructions and prompts for each meeting will be provided by Zag to assist in the creative process.

  • Zag will be a resource at your disposal throughout the program.

  • Our creative team of writers and artists will produce a final e-book with an option for soft back and printed copies.

  • To see an example of the team fundraising site and book click here.

  • Teams can sell or incorporate school wide/athletic department sponsors into their stories to fund raise.

  • Teams can sell other Zag the Zonkey books, products, & subscriptions for further fundraising .

  • IMPORTANT: This program is also available just as a Team Building unit for teams that aren’t interested in the fundraising aspect.

  • NCAA Programs: We have sought to create this program in an NCAA compliant way but it is important to always do your own due diligence with your athletic department.


  • Contact us to learn more about taking part in this exciting new pilot program!
