VCU Women’s Basketball in Italy, Slovenia, Croatia
When: August 7-16th, 2023
Tentative Program or PDF here
Flights(Please review to verify all are accounted for and names are exactly as they appear) here and Brenner here, Jenn here, Deniz here
Baggage Limits Here
Tour Manager: Mario Villanis +39 327 93 44 749
In Como area, 3 nights from Aug 8 to 11
Hotel Cruise****
Via Carducci, 3, 22070 Montano Lucino CO
Tel: 0039 031 478301
3 nights, from Aug 11 to 14
Remisens Premium Casa Rosa, Annexe****
Obala 75, 6320 Portorož - Portorose, Slovenia
Tel: +386 593 68889
In Zagreb, 2 nights, from Aug 14 to 16
Hotel Hilton Garden Inn Zagreb****
Radnička cesta 21, 10000, Zagreb, Croazia
Tel: +385 1 6042 730
Travel Insurance: *Your policy number is: 959520518
******************************************************** Please review your Policy of Insurance by clicking on the "Policy of Insurance" link at the top of your policy summary page which can be accessed 1here.
* If you have any questions please contact our 24-hour World Service Center at: 1-800-826-4919
Enjoy your travel and thank you for choosing Travel Guard for your upcoming trip!
* Need to file a claim? You can now file a claim online. Click here get started.