Ohio State Field Hockey in South Africa
When: May 10th-May 21st, 2024
Finalized Itinerary: Here
Current Flights:
Based On External Agent
Lagoon Beach Hotel and Spa
Protea Hotel Stellenbosch
Aquila Game Reserve
Travel Notes:
Required Documentation: The protocols for traveling internationally are constantly evolving. Please ensure with your flight consultant that you are aware of all regulations and paperwork required of every traveler prior to departure.
Travel Insurance: You may want to consider purchasing Travel Insurance to protect your investment. You can read more at the link below or pursue your own policy. https://zagtours.com/travel-insurance
Email jmeccage@zagsports.com with any questions
Zagging in South Africa Highlights
Experience scenic Cape Town, which has been voted the most popular and most beautiful city in the world by many publications.
Table Mountain
Beautiful beaches
Zag Cultural learning experience
Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was held prisoner for 18 years
Township Tour
South African dinner with traditional dances and dress
Overnight stay at Game Reserve & driving tour
Lions, Giraffes, Zebras, Elephants, Rhinos, Hippos, & more!
Zip lining tour through the Elgin Valley & mountains
Unique, sustainable, and responsible give back opportunities carefully chosen to promote well-being in the community