Oak Knoll Tour 2024
When: July 29 - August 5th, 2024
Updated Program(7-28): Ireland/Northern Ireland or PDF Here(updated on the 28th)
Philly Fliers(6)-Verify that names are exactly as they appear
Tour Managers: Lead—Dave Williamson 6092165396/ Asst. & Coach—Tyrone +35857523371 & Zag Experience Manager: Mary Gleason-9176795771 (first 3 days only)
Recorded Meeting HERE & Password: q7Xvik6.
Permission for a Minor to Travel Form
This form is often required for any travelers who are not traveling with BOTH parents or only traveling with 1 parent. If only one parent is traveling, the other parent must give permission for the other parent to leave the country. If you’re not traveling with either parent, you both need to give permission for your daughter to travel internationally. You will need to fill out and notarize the “Permission to Travel” form (most banks will notarize for free if you’re a client).