NCS Train & Play Ireland
When: August 24th-August 31st
Flights (tentative):
LH 417 24AUG Dulles to Frankfurt 325P 540A#1
LH 976 25AUG Frankfurt to Dublin 715A 820A
LH2517 31AUG Dublin to Munich 1030A 150P
LH 414 31AUG Munich to Dulles 415P 735P
Team Info: Please note that all interested players and parents, need to send in a deposit and fill out TEAM Google Document - HERE
Payment Details (below): Please send a check to - Zag Sports 800 Denow Rd. Suite C #373 Pennington, NJ 08534
*1st Payment-$500 (November 1),
*2nd Payment-$1000 (March 1)
*Final Payment (June 1)