Bloomsburg Field Hockey in Ireland & Northern Ireland


  • When: August 1st-8th, 2023

  • Tour Manager: Lily +353 83 867 4659 , Tyrone +353 85 752 3371

  • Program or PDF here

  • Etickets Here(Please review and make sure everyone is accounted for and that everyone’s name is exactly as it appears on their passport)

       EI 114Q 01AUG   Philadelphia to Dublin       840P  825A#1
       EI 115S 08AUG   Dublin to Philadelphia        420P  710P

  • Baggage Info

  • Tour Manager Contact Info(TBA)

  • Hotels:

  • Prep and Packing Info

  • Travel Insurance

    *Your policy number is: 959226267 and 959227014


    * Please review your Policy of Insurance by clicking on the "Policy of Insurance" link at the top of your policy summary page which can be accessed 1here.

    * If you have any questions please contact our 24-hour World Service Center at: 1-800-826-4919

    Enjoy your travel and thank you for choosing Travel Guard for your upcoming trip!

    * Need to file a claim? You can now file a claim online. Click here get started.

    * Click here to access our Self-Service page which allows you to view your claim online,

  • We highly encourage various cancellation insurance policies. For more information and purchasing options please visit here.

  • Permission for a Minor to Travel Form

    This form is often required for any travelers who are not traveling with BOTH parents or only traveling with 1 parent. If only one parent is traveling, the other parent must give permission for the other parent to leave the country. If you’re not traveling with either parent, you both need to give permission for your daughter to travel internationally. You will need to fill out and notarize the “Permission to Travel” form (most banks will notarize for free if you’re a client).